More than 95% of women report pain during labour1. Inhaled nitrous oxide/oxygen mixtures can be used during early labour to help mothers cope with the pain during contractions and, if required, for uncomfortable examinations. The gas mixture allows, as near as possible, the mother to experience the sensation of a natural birth. Mothers can adjust their intake to suit their own individual pain thresholds.
Self-administered under the supervision of midwives, inhaled nitrous oxide/oxygen mixture:
May enable a woman to avoid, postpone or limit pain medication.
Has a rapid onset and offset of action.
Can be used at any time in labour up to birth.
Does not interfere with the progress of labour.
Enables a woman to choose when to administer analgesia.
Does not affect the baby’s condition at birth.
1International Association for the Study of Pain. Obstetric pain. September 2007.